Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well a heap has happened since the AIS camp.

The camp revealed that I really just need to concentrate on swimming. On return I was faced with a massive swim week. Where all I did was basically swim. In fact, I swam 60km in total for the week. It seemed more of a mental battle that a physical one. I came out the other end with a much stronger stroke and more consistent times so the pain was worth it. I raced the first Bribie Island tri of the season at the end of the week which was interesting given I had not riden my bike. I ended up winning after making a fair bit of ground on the bike.

Then we had two weeks of preparation prior to the Noosa triathlon. So we added some serious speed work which was tough after a week of no legwork! Noosa went well. I had a top swim for me and quickly made my way through the field on the bike. The chase was on on the run but there was no catching Emma Moffatt as the end came quicker than I could run.

Then I had another two weeks of training that really worked me over and included some testing at the QAS. I was a little disappointed with my run TT but I think it may have something to do with my race the weekend before. I was also given a new gym program to keep me busy.

The Thursday prior to the HK triathlon I was graced with Vanessa Courtot's presence. We went to dinner with Darren (Mike and My best man from our wedding) as a pre-campaign salute'. We then set out for HK.

I had a pretty smooth trip and we arrived in Disneyland at around 7pm. I went for a light jog and then had a late night massage. The lady had to elevate the bed and slip me off or I would not have left the place! Feeling pretty relaxed I had a good nights sleep ready for my pre-race training on the Friday. Race preparation went well, no issues, lots of rest, right training, right foods etc. I went to bed pretty early because the race started at 7am.

The race went really well. I had an okay start, lost a bit of time on the first lap of the swim but made ground back (amazingly) on the second lap. Then I worked back up to the main pack by the third lap of the bike. I probably did a little too much work on the bike once I made the lead pack which may have cost me on the run. heading into T2 I was sitting pretty and feeling confident. Fritova made a break through transition and I lost time because I could not get my shoe on easy. I then had to surge a few times to catch the 40 or so metres i had lost. Niwata sat on my shoulder whilst catching Fritova. After we got to the section of the course that multi-lapped, I was too slow going through a water station and lost a couple of meters on Niwata. She slowly started to edge away. I tried a few things but before I knew it she was away. I held on to take second and finish my 2008 of racing. Other than the aquation the next day. The picture above shows the footrace.

The aquathon was really a bit of fun. No points, no money etc. I was stoked with my efforts to come third. After the racing I spent a couple of extra days in HK to relax and take training easy for a while.

Since return it has all been about swimming again. I will soon turn into a fish! Mum is comming up this week. Then I have a camp before returning to Adelaide for Christmas. I can't wait to see everyone. I will be doing the Gatti on the 21st and then the aquathon.

Cheers for now.


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