Well after a fantastic tour of Asia I returned home to Adelaide to catch up with family and friends. It was great to see you all. Sorry to those I missed! Below is a cool photo from a dinner I went to thank to Vanessa Courtot.
I returned to Queensland after a week of appointments and gatherings to start a big training block that will last until November. I have been put on a massive swim program. The swim Km’sincreased to around 40kms a week for a couple of weeks and buy-gee does it hurt your shoulders!
We have also started doing a 170km ride over three mountains. We are doing this ride regularly and have managed to drop the time taken down by over half and hour. Stephen Moss uses the scooter to push the weaker riders up the hills, so there is no slacking.
I had a meeting with Steve about the races that I will be doing over the coming months. I am looking to doing Noosa, The HK Disneyland ITU Continental Asian Cup, Perth, Hobart and Mooloolaha.
We are also doing a group camp in December and I have been chosen to go down to the AIS for a week in October to do some testing.
This month saw Mike arrive for good. Mike and I went to the river fire festival on the 31st of August. It is a huge fireworks show at the Brisbane River. At the end a fighter plane goes over with the afterburners on which looked pretty cool.
Next month sees me doing the Bridge to Brisbane and the City to Bay. I don’t know how I will feel for these races because of the sheer volume of training I have been doing.
My swimming has improved this month. I have seen big improvements from improving the flexibility of my thoracic spine and finally implementing bilateral breathing all the time (even in TTs and heart rate sets!).
See everyone after the city to bay in a couple of weeks.